Get to Know the Best Management Courses to Study in India


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Management involves multiple activities required to manage an organization or business. Regardless of the industrial sector, you want to work in, you need a range of skills essential to carry out day-to-day business operations.

If you want to build a career in management, you need to develop the necessary skills such as planning, organization, motivation, communication, problem-solving, decision-making, and interpersonal. Management courses are popular among students nowadays. You can find several educational institutions in India offering various undergraduate, postgraduate, and diploma programs in management to students.

Employment opportunities in this field are plenty, for most companies are looking for candidates with management degrees to handle various projects in India and abroad.

What Are the Management Courses Offered in India?

You can find management courses focused on various functional levels of the business, and they are administration, finance, human resources, marketing, sales, production, organization behavior, retail management, health care management, and operations management.

Students from science, arts, and commerce can join an undergraduate or postgraduate management program based on their eligibility. Here are some most sought-after management courses:

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)

A three-year full-time undergraduate program, Bachelor of Business Administration or BBA, is a popular course opted for by students after completing their 10+2 education. You can specialize in subjects like finance, human resources, marketing, business analytics, entrepreneurship, sales, and supply chain & logistics.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

This two-year full-time postgraduate program is mostly preferred by students who want to get on to the management ladder of an organization. You can find several colleges and institutes, which are recognized by the state or central government, offering different MBA courses. Most of them require prospective students to have completed undergraduate in any discipline with a certain percentage of marks and clear GMAT or other entrance exams.

Bachelor of Hotel Management

Those who long for a career in hospitality can choose this three-year full-time Bachelor of Hotel Management course.

The placements for management courses are one of the best among all professional courses, and for this reason, it has become very popular. Multinational companies, including international ones, having their operations in major cities of the country look for candidates with postgraduates in management. The salary offered to the fresher is very attractive, with great opportunities for promotion. The placements start in the fourth and final semester of the course.

Keeping in mind the above information, you can check for the best management courses in India now.

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